Some summer timeout just to explore an inevitable, but transitory, dandelion patch in the nearby neighborhood.
Author: Wayne Upchurch
Beautiful, Purposeful, Transitory Flesh
Saucer Magnolias 2010, originally uploaded by 0 W8ing.
This tree stands in a location that doesn’t give me clean access to its blossom bounty, but it does display them where I can get to the bottom-most ones. I don’t always get to them in their prime, but I do like the way they show their vulnerability and weathering.
If you’re a late sleeper, or a casual observer at the start of your day, physiotherapist Miroslaw Swietek has, both, gotten the jump on you, And brought it all back, alive, for you in a set of crisply (as fresh lettuce is crisp) photographed fuzzy, sharp clawed, alien-eyed creatures. The following blog post contains some of his -and some of two other photographers- images from similar frontiers: