Beautiful, Purposeful, Transitory Flesh

Saucer Magnolias 2010, originally uploaded by 0 W8ing.

This tree stands in a location that doesn’t give me clean access to its blossom bounty, but it does display them where I can get to the bottom-most ones. I don’t always get to them in their prime, but I do like the way they show their vulnerability and weathering.

Orchid Chillouts

Thanks to the idea from Katariina Järvinen , I went back to the orchids to complete another set of orchid pix I had posted on my Flickr pages. (slideshow of them all)
Here are some of them:Orchid-148


Katariina had suggested the “horror” lighting used in my last post for one of the other “mouth”like orchid images. While the other, more delicate variety -the Big mouthed ones- have all gone, I Could make fresh versions of this one, so I played with these last night, late, for added fun.



Happy Hallowe’en!



I’ll make this post more of a typical photoblog entry. Recently, I brought home orchids from two different trips to the grocery. Willing only to spend enough to get the smaller plants, with their smaller flowers, I also felt I was getting the less “spectacular”, maybe more unique strains.

Here are a few of the more unique explorations of the first plant:

'horror' lighting? or stage lighting...?
'horror' lighting? or stage lighting...?


One of the "Title" images of this set





and another one about both form And texture.
and another one about both form And texture.