SynchChronicity X2

Transition : Cells to Scabiosa Flower.. to seed again, before long
Kinda Cool!
I used to host a “space music” radio show, on WHQR in Wilmington, NC, following the nationally syndicated Music from the Hearts of Space. On my own show, Into the Mystic, I interviewed HOS host/producer, Stephen Hill. All these years later, he has chosen one of my flickr photos from my mom’s garden for a flickr “gallery” connected with a rebroadcast of one of his shows, Evolution, this coming week. I doubt he connects my flickr name with my real name, so that would make this a double synchronicity, I think.
I Always recommend listening to HOS. If you’re unfamiliar, find it on the web:
Click this thumbnail to go to the gallery:

Transition : Cells to Scabiosa Flower.. to seed again, before long
557 ‘EVOLUTION’, a gallery by Stephen Hill on Flickr.

Winter’s Flight is pretty much done. . .

This jet trail dominated our wintry sky, the other day, and begged a foreground to make it work. Daylight leaving at jet speed, I chose the first vantage point I could find, and was fortunate to find three elements I liked for it.. the view of the expanse of sky, the hard lines and contrasts of the parking lot lights, and the bare trees.. the Birds were an absolute bonus. I would have waited another few seconds, for the car at bottom to leave, but was rudely interrupted by someone behind me who didn’t know what I was up to, and therefore just thought I was daydreaming or something.. this in a parking lot that had other exits besides mine, but.. OhWell.
I did have time to bracket for HDR combining, and though I chose not to open up the shadows so much, since most of what was on the ground wasn’t key to this photo, I think the image benifits from the HDR treatment. I used a trial version of Unified Color’s HDR Studio 2. ( )

Life, imitating. . .

out take from headshot session
out take from headshot session

This one was actually done during lighting setup and test, with dramatic lighting effects added in processing, later.
My cousin, Frank, was in need of fresh headshots to update what his agency sends out, and I was asked to make them.
Now this isn’t what an actor’s headshot really is, but it looks so much like a movie still, that I gave it some Hollywood magic to take it Just a bit further toward the Dramatic.

What was he thinking, that gave him that taught drama? It wasn’t his grocery list; he was more or less concentrating on a shot I had just made. I attach my camera to a handy TV nearby so he can see what we’re creating as we work. Sometimes it helps.. sometimes it gets in the way of the flow; this time, it was catalyst for pretty nice serendipity, considering he is going for film gigs.